Kenia 🇰🇪
Area Code, Long-Distance Call VoIP, Mobiltelefon-Finder und Telefonnummer des Kenia.
- Wikipedia: Kenia 🇰🇪
- PLZ von Kenia
Internationale Vorwahl von Kenia
- Name: Kenia 🇰🇪
- Code: 254, auch +254, 00254, 00 254, 00-254, +254-, +00254, 0254, 000254, 011-254 etc.
Allgemeine Informationen
- Kenia Ländercode: 254
- Stammpräfix: 0
- Internationaler Präfix: 000
- Nummer Details: Kenianische Zahlen sind sieben vor neun Ziffern. Festnetzanschlüsse (Festnetztelefone) haben eine zweistellige Ortsvorwahl (oft als drei Ziffern mit einer führenden "0" aufgeführt, die bei Anrufen von außerhalb Kenias nicht gewählt wird). Es repräsentiert einen geografischen Teil des Landes. Mobilnummern werden durch dreistellige Trägercodes dargestellt, die mit "7" beginnen. Die zweite und dritte Ziffer bezeichnet den Mobiltelefonträger. Der Betreibercode ähnelt einer Vorwahl.
Ein Beispiel für eine kenianische Telefonnummer
Das House of Waine listet seine Telefonnummer in Nairobi als +254 (0) 20 260 1455 auf.
Detail des Nummerierungsplans
Führende Ziffern | Maximale Anzahl Länge | Mindestanzahl Länge | Verwendung | Zusätzliche Information |
20 (NDC) | 9 | 8 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services for Nairobi | Area Code for Nairobi |
40 (NDC) | 9 | 8 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kwale, Ukunda, Msambweni and Lungalunga areas |
41 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Mombasa, Mariakani and Kilifi towns |
42 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Malindi, Lamu and Garsen |
43 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Voi, Mwatate Wundanyi and Taveta areas of Taita Taveta region |
44 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Machakos, Makueni, Kitui and Mwingi Regions |
45 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Ngong, Kajiado, Loitokitok and Athi River |
46 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for North Eastern regions of Garissa, Wajir and Mandera |
50 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Narok Region and Naivasha and Gilgil areas of Nakuru |
51 (NDC) | 9 | 8 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Nakuru, Njoro and Molo areas of Nakuru region |
52 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kericho and Bomet regions |
53 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Eldoret, Turbo, Kapsabet, Iten and Kabarnet |
54 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kitale, Moisbridge, Kapenguria and Lodwar regions |
55 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Bungoma and Busia |
56 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kakamega and Vihiga regions |
57 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kisumu and Siaya regions |
58 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kisii, Kilgoris, Oyugis and Nyamira regions |
59 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Homabay and Migori |
60 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Muranga and Kirinyaga |
61 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Nyeri region |
62 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Nanyuki region of Laikipia |
64 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Meru, Maua and Chuka regions |
66 (NDC) | 9 | 8 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Thika and Ruiru |
67 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Kiambu and Kikuyu towns |
68 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Embu region |
69 (NDC) | 9 | 7 | Geographical number for fixed telephony services | Area Code for Marsabit and Moyale |
700 to 709 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd |
710 to 719 (NDC) | ||||
720 to 729 (NDC) | ||||
730 to 739 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd |
740 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Safaricom Limited |
741 (NDC) | ||||
742 (NDC) | ||||
743 (NDC) | ||||
744 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Homeland Media Group Limited |
746 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Safaricom Limited |
747 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Jamii Telecom Ltd for Kenya |
748 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Safaricom Limited |
749 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | WiAfrica Kenya Limited |
750 to 756 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd |
760 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Mobile Pay Ltd |
763 to 766 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Finserve Africa Ltd |
767 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Sema Mobile Services Ltd |
770 to 777 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Telkom Kenya Ltd |
778 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Telkom Kenya Limited |
779 (NDC) | ||||
780 to 782 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd |
785 to 789 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd |
790 to 797 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Mobile Telephony Services assigned to Safaricom Ltd |
798 (NDC) | 9 | 9 | Non Geographical number for mobile telephony services | Safaricom Limited |
799 (NDC) |
Notdienste und andere Dienste von sozialem Wert
Wichtige Nummer | Bedienung | Hinweis |
112 | Emergency Service | Police reporting, Fire and Rescue Services, Ambulance services, Disease outbreak reporting and rescue service,Maritime search and rescue services,Terrorism |
999 | Emergency Service | Runs in Parallel with 112 |
116 | Child help-line | Run by child helpline Kenya in conjunction with the government children department |
107 | Peace Building And Conflict Early Warning And Response System | Service Operated by the National Police Service |
108 | peace building and conflict management | Operated by the National Steering committee response Centre on peace building and conflict management |
109 | Coordination of National Emergency responses | Operated by the National Emergency Response Centre |
110 | Emergency Response services for Lake Victoria, Indian Ocean and other water bodies. | To be terminated at the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) in Mwanza-Tanzania and at the Kenya Maritime Authority for facilitating Emergency Rescue Services in Lake Victoria, Indian Ocean and other water bodies. |
115 | For Corruption reporting Short Code | Operated by the National Government |
1919 | Public access to government Services | Government services |
1190 | Helpline for Victims and those affected by HIV/AIDS | Liverpool VCT Centre in collaboration with health ministry of the national government |
1191 | Public Health for emergency health preparedness | Ministry responsible for Health and Sanitation in the national government |
1192 | Helpline for victims of Alcohol and Drug abuse | NACADA Authority |
1193 | Helpline for female victims of violence | Kimbilio Trust in conjunction with national government |
1194 | Child Welfare | Child Welfare Society of Kenya in collaboration with the national government |
1195 | Helpline for victims of Gender Based Violence | HealthCare Assistance Kenya (HAK) in collaboration with the national government |
1197 | Emergency responses | G4S Security Services Kenya Limited public reporting/ helpline on security, safety, disaster mitigation and general emergency responses |
1199 | Emergency responses | To support emergency response services done by the Kenya Red Cross |
Wichtige Zahlen
Bedienung | Nummer |
Polizei | +254 -20 -02240000 |
Feuer | 999 |
Verkehrspolizei | 112 |
Medizinisch | 112 |
- Für Ortsgespräche: Wählen Sie nur die lokale Telefonnummer
- Für Ferngespräche: 0 - Ortsvorwahl - lokale Telefonnummer
- Um Kenia aus dem Ausland anzurufen: Exit-Code - 254 - lokale Telefonnummer (Exit-Code kann auch als "+" geschrieben werden)
- Um aus Kenia ins Ausland zu telefonieren: 000 - Landesvorwahl - Ortsvorwahl - Telefonnummer
Externe Links
Referenzen Links
- AreaCodeBase: Kenia Bereich Code Database
- PostCodeBase: Kenia Land PLZ
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